
National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP)

About:Tobacco is one of the biggest threats to public health, killing more than 1 million people worldwide annually, and over one million people killed by direct smoking. Approximately 80% of the 1.1 billion smokers around the world live in low and middle income countries. There is an increase in the incidence of tobacco-related illness and death. The Government of India launched the National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP) during the 11th Five Year Plan in 2007-08. The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) indicates tobacco use rates as of 2009-10. The 12th Five Year Plan was aimed at reducing tobacco use by 5% by the end of the 12th Five Year Plan. According to the GATS 2nd Survey, the number of tobacco users has declined by about 81 lakhs [8.1 million]. NTCP has been implemented in all 30 districts of Karnataka. The implementation of the NTCP in Mandya district is being implemented from 2015-16 with the implementation of NTCP in Mandya district in 2015-16.

Objectives of the National Tobacco Control Program:

1. To train the District and Taluk level officials on the effective implementation, effective development and monitoring of tobacco products and the implementation of the COTPA-2003 Act.
2. Conducting IEC (Awareness) Programs on the Consequences of Consumption of Tobacco Products and the COTPA2003
3. Effective implementation of the Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) 2003.
4. Providing a service to quit tobacco use.
5. Implementing the World Health Organization’s FCTC strategies for tobacco control and prevention.

Structure of N . T . C . P


The National Tobacco Control Cell has been created under the control of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. It is responsible for policy making, planning and monitoring and evaluation of the tobacco control program. The National Tobacco Control Cell operates under the guidance of the Joint Director of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

National -level programs

• Establish measures for public awareness, mass media awareness campaigns and social behaviour change.
• Establishment and maintenance of tobacco products testing laboratories Nation-wide.
• Co-ordinate with other nodal departments to organize alternative crops, livelihood development and training.
• Conduct monitoring and evaluation, including surveillance.
• To be a part of health care delivery under the National Health Campaign.

State-level programs

• Effectively monitor implementation of the COTPA-2003 Act for tobacco control at the state level.
• Organizing Advocacy Workshops at State Level.
• Conducting training programs for recruiting officers and staff under the NTCP program at district level.
• Organizing rehabilitation training for various officers and staff.
• Training of health professionals and health service workers on duty in addiction-free canter’s to overcome tobacco addiction.
• Implementation of the COTPA-2003 Act to organize legal training for law enforcement officers.

District-level programs

• Conducting training for law enforcement officers, school teachers, college lecturers, social workers, funds for every NGO and arbitration level.
• Organize Information Education Communication (IEC) awareness programs to raise awareness among adolescents not to fall prey to tobacco addiction.
• To organize school / college awareness programs to raise awareness among adolescents not to fall prey to tobacco addiction.
• Implementing a tobacco control program at the grass root level with coordination of urban local and panchayat raj institutions.
• To detect violations of the COTPA-2003 Act with the coordination of the officers of the Police Department and prosecute the violators.

Mandya district organized an innovative event

Rose Campaign – Smoking and its adverse effects caused by tobacco from the public about violations of the law and to give a rose and a pamphlet to convince the pink movement strategy. Mandya district is making people aware of such innovative programs.

On-going IEC activity:-

like IEC through VAN, issue hand-outs during Focus group discussion, COTPA Enforcement, School awareness programs, other Division/ Department Trainings, Street Plays, Jingles at KSRTS Bus Stops, Municipality vehicles.