
Chief Minister’s Kaushalya Karnataka Yojane (CMKKY)

Chief Minister’s Kaushalya Karnataka Yojane (CMKKY) envisages to skill training 5 lakh youth annually of which 2.50 lakh youth shall be targeted under schemes implemented directly by SDEL and 2.50 lakh youth shall be targeted under schemes implemented by other Government departments and government bodies.

The new Department was established to bring various Skill Trainings hither-to being conducted by different departments into one umbrella. The various skill sets and the corresponding job roles need to be standardized. It also envisages standardizing the Content, Syllabus, Selection of Trainees, Selection of Training Providers, Assessment of Trainees and their Placement. It also aims to develop a new strategic framework for Skill Development for the school drop-outs and existing workers, especially in the Informal Sector in close consultation with Industry, Micro Enterprises in the Informal Sector, State Governments, Experts and Academia.

The training under CMKKY scheme is envisaged to be provided by various TPs under Central Government, State Governments, Public and Private Sector and Industrial establishments. A mechanism needs to be evolved for empanelment of TPs and TCs. This mechanism should be transparent and easily comprehensible. An online facility should be created wherein all the interested TPs and TCs shall fill in the various details required for registration and subsequent accreditation.

TC details

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